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Here is our Wish List for Curriculum Updates:

1.  Elena Ryan .         

She said she can help with curriculum map and assessment. (Mapping and common assessments.  PERA too.)


2.  May like using Rubistar when creating rubrics?  Haven't looked at it much.


3.  AOSA National Conference 2018

November 7-10 


4.  We liked ILIMEA days with band/orchestra during April 20th PD half days.


5.  We all have an interest for adding Ukelele's to the music curriculum.


6.  Observe others in music education:

Latin School (Manju)

Lab School (Crystal)

Skokie (Lisa Sullivan, Megan Murphy)

Gems Acadamy

Arlington Heights (Cynthia Seputis)

Winnetka (Jana Martin)

Barrington (Rachel Roselini)


7.  Observe each other:

Each of us set a date by October/November

Each of us takes a whole day off.  Half day at each school.

(Need: 3 subs in the fall)


Questions to Kris:

1.  What is the format for our updated curriculum?  Is there a template?  Are we making our own template? What does the end product look like again?


2.  What was the admin. data about the music curriculum?


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